Below you will find some commonly performed diagnostic and screening tools that we use at Kind Veterinary Care. There are many other types of tests that we can perform to help in diagnose, treat, and manage diseases.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
This test evaluates and quantifies the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This provides information about a pets immune system, oxygen carrying capacity and platelet count. This test helps us narrow down diseases in some situations and helps us in determining if surgery is appropriate for your pet.
Blood Chemistry
Serum blood chemistry is used to assess the health status of various organ systems. Blood tests can identify: Glucose, Proteins, Electrolytes, Cholesterol, Endocrine Levels, and Digestive Enzymes. Results used in conjunction with results from other diagnostics can be used to detect a wide variety of diseases. Screening yearly allows us to follow your pet's individual trends and help us catch problems prior to your pet showing any clinical signs. This allows to make early recommendations to increase your pet's quality and quantity of life.
We evaluate the urine to evaluate hydration status, infections, kidney or bladder disease, diabetes and other health conditions. Urine cultures are also performed to test for infection in the urinary tract and make sure we treat appropriately.
Fecal Testing
There are a variety of tests that can be performed on feces. Recommended testing will be based on symptoms or general testing recommendations. The most common test performed on feces is a fecal flotation/antigen which is used to screen for parasites such as hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and more. Screening feces for parasites is recommended annually as there are parasites humans can catch from their furry friends.
Diagnostic Imaging
Our clinic is equipped to offer image testing like x-rays and utltrasounds (coming soon), which provide a non-invasive way to visually evaluate normal and abnormal anatomy.
Thyroid Function Tests
Thyroid levels are used to diagnose hyperthyroidism in cats (excessive thyroid hormone production), and screen for hypothyroidism in dogs (inadequate thyroid hormone production) and to monitor response to treatment.
Serum Bile Acid Test
This test is used to evaluate liver function. We may use this test to monitor disease progression, response to treatments, or as a diagnostic tool.
Antibody/Antigen Testing
These tests find the antibody and/or antigen against organisms or certain parts of the organism itself. The most common serologic testing performed for routine health screening in dogs is the heartworm test and Lyme antibody test. In cats the most screened for, is feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, though we believe annual heartworm testing in cats is just as important as for dogs.
These tests are used to help determine the cause of masses, lumps, bumps, discharge, skin, organ, or fluid abnormalities. Cells are obtained through various methods which are then stained and examined under a microscope. In some cases, a diagnosis can be made by examination of cells, while in other cases further sampling or a different test may be recommended (such as a biopsy.)
This is a test to determine what disease process is occurring in your pet that blood tests, cytologies, etc. cannot tell us. This test makes "bread slices" of surgically removed tissue and a specialist will review this microscopically. This is helpful when trying to determine the best treatment option for masses/cancer and other skin disorders (chronic allergies vs. auto-immune disease, etc.)
Other Testing
We offer many other diagnostics and will discuss those with you when/if recommended for your pet.